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Display page dates: 01/17/1936; 01/18/1936

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 231

Friday, January 17, 1936

Work on
(1) G 2132 A, C

(1) G 2132
G 2132 A: In shaft and chamber. Small shaft, lined with mud brick and partly destroyed. It is east of B and south of C. Total depth 2.2 meters. Limestone debris, stones and dubsh. Chamber on south, lined with mud brick, roofed with three slabs, roof partly destroyed. No blocking. Cleared. Drawing.


G 2132 C: In shaft and chamber. Lined with stones, dubsh and mud brick, partly destroyed. It is north of A, total depth 1.5 meters. Limestone debris, dubsh and stones. Chamber on north, lined with mud brick and roofed with stones. No blocking. Cleared. Drawing.


Saturday, January 18, 1936

Work on
(1) G 2132 B
(2) G 2134 A, B, C, D, X

(1) G 2132
G 2132 B: In shaft and chamber. Lined with mud brick, west of A. Down 6 meters. Limestone debris, stones, black debris and underneath sand. Chamber I appear[s] on south, lined with stones, and partly destroyed. It was roofed with stones, but roof now gone. No blocking. Cleared. Open and empty. Not reached the rock in shaft, not reached chamber II.

(2) G 2134
On top of the mastaba and in its shafts. Small mastaba, lined with stones. Lining partly destroyed. It is east mastaba G 2133, north of mastaba G 2135 [= G 2135' = G 2134a], west of mastaba G 2137 and south of the big mastaba G 2220 [to N]. Sand, limestone debris and dubsh. Exposing shafts A, B, C, D, X.

G 2134 A: In shaft. It was lined with dubsh above. Lining now gone, only some remains, and rock below. It is west of shafts B and C and [east] of X. Down 2 meters. Stones, sand, black debris and papers underneath. Not reached the rock in shaft, not reached the chamber.

G 2134 B: In shaft and chamber. Lined with stones and dubsh. It is south of C. Total depth 2.5 meters. Sand and papers. Chamber on east, lined with stones and mud, roofed with stones. No blocking. Cleared. Drawing.


microfilm: end page 231

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