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Display page dates: 01/23/1939
Diary Transcription: page 750
microfilm: begin page 750
Monday, January 23, 1939
work on
(1) G 2098 A, Y
(2) G 2099 A, B, C, D, E, F
(1) G 2098
G 2098 A: Removed the chamber blocking, stones mud bound and rubble from the blocking. Body [39-4-18], head on north. Fragments of decayed wooden coffin, left for photo.
G 2098 Y: Removed the chamber blocking, which is in shaft on east. Roofed with one big stone running from north to south, stones, mud, plaster, and limestone debris from the blocking. Body [39-4-20], head on north, wrapped with cloth, left for photo.
(2) G 2099
G 2099 A: In shaft and chamber. Lined above with stones and rock cut below. It is north of B, south of E and west of room a on north. Total depth 3.3 meters, drift sand, limestone debris, rubble and pebble. Chamber on east cut in rock. No blocking. Body, head on north, left for photo.
G 2099 B: In shaft. Lined with stones. Ends in bad rock. It is south of A and southwest of room a. Total depth 90 cm, drift sand. Found in shaft debris: pottery bowl with round base, broken in two pieces and fragments, from the rim missing. Ends at rock. No chamber. Type 7X.
G 2099 C: In shaft. Lined with stones. Ends at rock. It is south of D and west of E. Total depth 92 cm, limestone debris pebble and sand. Chamber on south blocked with stones and rubble bound with traces of mud. Blocking left for photo.
G 2099 D: In shaft and chamber. Lined with stone and ends at rock. It is north of C and west of F. Total depth 1.4 meters, drift sand. Chamber on north built of stones and roofed with slabs. No blocking. Cleared. Drawing.
G 2099 E: In shaft and chamber. Lined with masonry. Ends at rock. It is north of A and east of C. Total depth 1.0 meters, drift sand. Chamber on east built of stones and roofed with slabs. No blocking. Cleared. Drawing.
G 2099 F: In shaft. Lined with masonry. Ends at rock. It is east of D. Total depth 1.32 meters, red debris, pebble, limestone debris and rubble. Chamber on north blocked with rubble and bound with traces of mud. Blocking left for photo.
In the street between G 2086 and G 2099: sand, limestone debris, rubble and pebble. Street opened to north. That street is the street of the room of G 2099 a. Cleared on a limestone floor above bad rock.
Tuesday, January 24, 1939
Day of rest.
microfilm: end page 750
End of Diary Transcription
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