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Display page dates: 04/29/1938; 04/30/1938

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 648

Friday, April 29, 1938

Work on
(1) G 2088 B, D, F, Z
(2) G 2088a A

(1) G 2088
G 2088 B: Removed chamber I blocking. One stone, dubsh and traces of mud bound from the blocking. Body, head on north, left for photo.

G 2088 D: Removed the chamber blocking. Lined with rubble and bound with mud. Roofed with stones. Dubsh and mud bound. Body, head on north, left for photo.

G 2088 F: Removed the chamber blocking. Lined with dubsh and bound with gypsum. Roofed with stones. Rubble and traces of gypsum. Body, head south to east. left for photo.

G 2088 Z: In shaft and chamber. Lined with stones, crude brick and dubsh. Only on east with stones to the beginning of the rock. It is north of Y, southwest of the northwest corner of the mastaba. Total depth 1.85 meters. Drift sand. Chamber on south. Lined with stones and roofed with stones. No blocking. Found in shaft debris: inscribed limestone fragment (in sunk relief) left on top of shaft for Mr. Bill to read. Cleared. Drawing.


(2) G 2088a
G 2088a A: In shaft and chamber. Lined with masonry and dubsh. It is between the two columns in room b and east of the southern stela in room b. Total depth 70 cm. Sand and dubsh. Chamber on west lined with stones. Roofed with stones, only one roofing stone on south is missing. No blocking. Cleared. Drawing.


(3) G 2088b
G 2088b A: In shaft. Lined with masonry on two sides north and east and crude brick on south and west, to the beginning of the rock. It is in the northeast corner of room c. Total depth 95 cm. Limestone debris, dubsh, pebble and red debris. Chamber on north. Blocked with rubble and bound with mud. Left for photo.

Three of the boys were cleaning the sand brought by the wind around the house.

Saturday, April 30, 1938

Work on
(1) G 2086 A, B
(2) G 2087 A, D
(3) G 2088 D, F, X
(4) G 2088b A
(5) G 2089 B
(6) G 2115 A, B, C

(1) G 2086
G 2086 A: Removed the chamber blocking. Rubble and traces of mud. North-south body, on west, head on north, parts of the body wrapped in cloth, and on the legs sand. Left for photo.

microfilm: end page 648

End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:

William Stevenson Smith American, 1907–1969
MFA Document