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Display page dates: 07/11/1937
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 494
Sunday, July 11, 1937
Work on
(1) G 2015 A, B, C
(1) G 2015
Work on G 2015. It is lined with stones and partly destroyed on east. It is east of mastaba G 2014 and south of G 2013. Limestone debris, dubsh and sand. Exposed shaft A, B, C. Cleared. Drawing of the mastaba.
G 2015 A: In shaft and chamber. Lined with dubsh above and crude brick underneath and rock below. It is south of B, at the south end of the mastaba. Total depth 2.95 meters. Sand and limestone debris. Chamber on east. Cut in rock. Cleared. Empty. Drawing.
G 2015 B: In shaft and chamber. Lined with dubsh above, crude brick underneath. It is north of A and south of C. Total depth 1.25 meters. Sand, limestone debris and paper. Chamber on north. Lined with crude brick on east, lined with dubsh and cut in rock on west. Compound niche cut in rock in west wall. No blocking. Roof gone. Cleared. Open and empty. Drawing.
G 2015 C: In shaft and chamber. It is north of B. Lined with stones and crude brick above and rock below. Total depth 3.34 meters. Limestone debris, sand and paper. Chamber on west. Cut in rock. No blocking. Cleared. Open and empty. Drawing.
Preparing a railway line from G 2016 running north to G 2041. To remove the debris from this place, to clear the mastabas for drawing.
microfilm: end page 494
End of Diary Transcription
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