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Display page dates: 03/15/1912; 03/16/1912

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 61

Friday, March 15, 1912 (continued)

Lepsius 23 [= G 2000] found a fragment of a large alabaster jar. [ILLUSTRATION] Two days ago - Wednesday - we found in this pit three large stone hammers. One of these was made from a slate statue. There were also four rubbing stones (two of fine black stone).

Saturday, March 16, 1912

Mastaba G 2191, pit B. (see page 59[in the diary]). In the dirt filling cast down in the northwest corner of the pit about 130 cm from the top was found the head of a life-size portrait statue of red granite [MFA 12.1487]. It is perfect, beautifully modeled but the surface is not polished. The paint still shows on the eyeballs especially the red of the iris. This was about two o'clock. Rowe was present. The negatives were at once developed and the head was taken out about 4:30. The pit was emptied further for about a meter but up to sunset no more fragments were found. The fragments found in the exterior chapel of G 2200 [= G 5080] evidently belong to the same statue. The head is therefore in all probability a portrait of Seshem-nefer.

Mastaba G 2185. In the debris of the corridor found this morning the feet and basis of the figure No. 3 (headless). Also some more fragments of the stelae.

Most of the force turned on to the space north of G 2150.

[G 2130]
Have finished a test hole in the north addition

microfilm: end page 61

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