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Display page dates: 03/10/1933; 03/11/1933; 03/12/1933; 03/13/1933

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 1239

Friday, March 10, 1933 (continued)

(3) G 2358
Clearing top of mastaba. Found five pits.
G 2358 A [= G 5540 A]: Masonry and rock-cut. Down 1.20 meters.
G 2358 B [= G 5541 A]: Masonry and rock-cut. Down 3.0 meters. Chamber west, open. Cleared, nothing found.


G 2358 C [= G 5540 X]: Rubble and rock-cut. Down 2.25 meters.
G 2358 D and E [= G 5540 B & G 5542 A]: not begun.

Saturday, March 11, 1933
Sixty-sixth day of work

Work only for one hour in forenoon. Forty-eight men paid off. Twelve remaining in addition to guards.

Sunday, March 12, 1933
Sixty-seventh day of work, first of reduced work

6:30 - 4:30
Cars: (twelve men working)

Work on:
(1) G 2200 [= G 5080] west of and Z

(1) G 2200 [= G 5080]
Clearing street debris west of mastaba.
G 2200 Z [= G 5080 Z]: Depth 5.50 meters. Chamber on south, sealed with stones and cement.

Monday, March 13, 1933
Sixty-eighth day of work, second of reduction

6:30 - 4:30

Work on:
(1) G 2358 A, C, E [= G 5540 & G 5542]

(1) G 2358
G 2358 A [= G 5540 A]: Depth 4.40 meters. Chamber on east, open. Rock-cut coffin, north to south, lid partly removed. Pit broken through into G 2342 A [= G 5520 A]. Cleared.


G 2358 C [= G 5540 X]: Depth 4.45 meters. Chamber on west, open. Rock-cut coffin in floor, north to south. Cleared.


G 2358 E [= G 5542 A]: Masonry and rubble pit. Depth 2.0 meters. Chamber on south, sealed with rubble.

microfilm: end page 1239

End of Diary Transcription
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