Result 6 of 59

Display page dates: 03/08/1912; 03/09/1912
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 55
Friday, March 8, 1912 (continued)
[G 2200 = G 5080 (continued)]
inserted after the body of the mastaba was built.
Clearing away the street in front of the mastaba, a series of find niches came into view on the east face.
Saturday, March 9, 1912
In debris in front of mastaba G 2200 [= G 5080] (Seshem-nefer), fragments of relief, of a red granite statue (life-size) and several unfinished limestone vessels.
a-a, b-b-b - rubble retaining walls built by thieves to keep back sand.
The street is paved. On the pavement lies about 30 to 40 cm of dirty debris with an uneven surface. Then comes sand. All hands are now on the street before G 2200 [= G 5080] and G 2190 and the space between
microfilm: end page 55
End of Diary Transcription
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