Result 11 of 59

Display page dates: 03/17/1912; 03/18/1912; 03/19/1912

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 63

Sunday, March 17, 1912 (continued)

[Howard] Carter, Lord Carnarvon, Dr. Johnson and P. Newberry visited excavations. There have been a great number of visitors but I have not set down their names.

The following objects were found in the debris in front of G 2200 [= G 5080]:
1. fragments of knee and of shoulder of a red granite statue, life-size.
2. fragment of arm of a life-size statue of finest alabaster [MFA 47.2044].
3. fragment of arm of small alabaster statuette.
At north end:
4. fragments of foot of black granite statue life-size.
5. flint knife (tip broken off) [MFA 12.1355].


At south end:
6. top of a false door of [GLYPHS] [Neferi] [MFA 12.1393]
7. part of a false door of a [GLYPHS] [MFA 12.1490]

Monday, March 18, 1912

Day of rest.
Dr. and Mrs. Merriman.

Tuesday, March 19, 1912

Work continues along face of G 2130. In front of northern niche there is a big block (for offerings?). In

microfilm: end page 63

End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document