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Display page dates: 10/31/1915; 11/01/1915; 11/02/1915
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 25
Sunday, October 31, 1915 (continued)
[ARROW] on plan marks path supported by rubble and leading to G 5032, G 5031. The hard, reddish brown debris forming the foundation of the path was piled against G 5130 north end and slopes down over the space in front.
(2) on plan marks isolated heap of rubble on "floor". The top corresponds to level of approach to path.
The destruction caused by aimless modern excavation in this region makes it difficult to follow the floors. We are placing the large stones from G 5230 found along the north end on the hard floor north of G 5230.
Monday, November 1, 1915
Day of rest for men.
Dunham to Cairo in the afternoon - shopping.
Prof. Arlo Bates left on the 8 p.m. express for Shellal, to join Oric at Gamai. Arranged to have Abdallah Ahmed Gebel join him at Quft.
Tuesday, November 2, 1915
day 10
Work confined to street north of G 5230 W and the adjacent corridor between G 5230 W and G 5230 N.
microfilm: end page 25
End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:People:
Arlo Bates
Oric Bates
Abdalla Ahmed el-Gebel
Dows Dunham American, 1890–1984
Arlo Bates
Oric Bates
Abdalla Ahmed el-Gebel
Dows Dunham American, 1890–1984
MFA Document