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Display page dates: 02/20/1925

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 250

Friday, February 20, 1925 (continued)

(2) Avenue G 0 [G 7000 X // GAR]
The photographs taken of the patch of cement [= plaster //GAR] described yesterday being approved it was attacked with picks this morning. The upper part was found very hard, the lower powdered to a white dust. By 11:20 there was revealed below it a well paved block of white limestone, much of it in brick-shaped slabs apparently about 5 cm thick [later 12 - 1 cm. // GAR]. This covered the whole area in what had already been seen to be a cut in the rock and is now clearly the sealed entrance to an Old Kingdom tomb approaching by a sloping passage or stairway towards the south. It is noticed that south of this point there is a large free space and that this passage lines up well with the dummy or immature [unfinished // GAR] pyramid in the street. Photographs and drawing of this block being found satisfactory it will be opened tomorrow. [Photo references: Course I - C10907, looking east-southeast; B5629, looking northwest; B5630, looking northwest; A3580, looking south; B5631, looking north; B5632, looking southwest; B5633, looking south. // GAR]

(3) G 7102
G 7102 C: The chamber was completely cleared this morning by noon.


microfilm: end page 250

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