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Display page dates: 02/26/1925

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 261

Thursday, February 26, 1925
106th day of work

Quftis: 85
Locals: 95
[total]: 180

Cars emptied:
Line VI 6:40 am - 8:00 am: 60, 8:30 am - noon: 200, 1:00 pm - 5:15 pm: 190
[total] 450

work on:
(1) Street G 7500
(2) G 7510
(3) G 7000 X

(1) Street G 7500
Now clearing street opposite north face of G 7510 and for six meters south. From the surface near G 7509 P came fragment of architrave [25-2-1061] with [GLYPHS]. They are also clearing the chamber of G 7523 and in G 7710 (the large stone mastaba with reliefs).

Work in various pits as follows:
G 7509 E: Clearing south chamber.
G 7509 Q: Down 715. Chambers on east and west.
G 7521 C: Down 430. Fragments of wall with offering list [25-2-1063] from black robbers' debris and bricks.
G 7522 D: Down 170. Chamber blocked on east.
G 7523 A: Pit cleared. 600 deep. Chamber west.
G 7523 B: Down 300 in dirty debris.
G 7610 W: In eastern chamber, dirty sand.
G 7620 O: Chamber in northeast corner. Clearing pit.
"Pit northwest of G 7522": Down 320 in clean sand.
"Pit 2 meters northeast of G 7610 R" [G 7523 V]: Down 250 in dirty debris.

(2) G 7510
Continuing work on the top of the mastaba.

(3) G 7000 X
A fine hard layer of cement [= plaster // GAR] was found at 510 cm early in the morning. Below this the blocks were still laid haphazard in white cement [= plaster // GAR]. Below 580 and down to at least 905 were very many fragments of two large pots [ILLUSTRATION] (?) of red and red-black ware, buff-orange slip also one of drab Qena ware. These pots certainly contained cement [= plaster // GAR] for the work of filling the tomb. From 600 cm. came a stone with a triangular groove in one face. At 11:30 the depth of 700 cm. was reached still in the same kind of blocking. Several stones from about this level bore paint marks.

microfilm: end page 261

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