Result 4 of 18

Display page dates: 03/23/1927; 03/24/1927
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 730
Wednesday, March 23, 1927 (continued)
(5) G 7540
G 7540 X: Pulled down the stone lining of pit which stood above street level.
Thursday, March 24, 1927
Fifty-eighth day of work
Cars emptied:
line IX 5:45 am - 8:00 am: 130, 8:30 - 12:00: 174, 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm: 160
Total 464
Work on:
(1) street G 7200
(2) street G 7300
(3) G 7440 Z [= G 7442]
(4) G 7450 A
(5) G 7540 X
(1) Street G 7200
Clearing southwards on west side of street. Uncovered the south end of lower blocks of G 7230.
(2) Street G 7300
Between G 7350 and G 7450 clearing upper debris southwards by rail No. IV. Found in debris: faience beads, amulets, fragments, scarab, diorite fragment, copper fragments, alabaster fragments.
(3) G 7440
G 7440 Z [= G 7442]: Opened door blocking and removed stones. Undisturbed Old Kingdom burial. Rough limestone sarcophagus, lid in place. Canopic jars and offering models (alabaster) visible in southeast corner in hard muddy debris (signs of water).
microfilm: end page 730
End of Diary Transcription
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