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Display page dates: 01/22/1926

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 158

Friday, January 22, 1926 (continued)

(1) G 7000 X
Mounted a heavy iron winch on two 6 inch beams over pit, bolted fast. Bent a new 10 cm rope on the cylinder and attached the wooden cage prepared beforehand. Fastened with four steel wire ropes. Let down the cage and brought it up. Then I went down to test it. All in order. Round trip twelve minutes. The men worked out half the course recorded by Dunham yesterday but it is slow going owing to the care necessary to protect objects in room.

*A3677, northwest quarter
A3678 on coffin

(2) Street G 7000 S (south)
Continued clearing street G 7000 south and exposed the foundations of an exterior chapel to G 7050. Also reached southeast corner of that mastaba.

(3) G 7050
Exposed whole east face of G 7050 as far as southeast corner. The front of the interior chapel exposed yesterday is a well-built exterior chapel of white stone. The foundations only are preserved.

(4) G 7150
Finished clearing G 7150 B. The coffin contains some scattered bones. It is 228 x 95 cm and 68 cm high. The few objects were fragments of canopic lids (Old Kingdom) and amulets, etc. of Saite period.
Began clearing the interior of addition iii and front lining walls probably of pit or pits.

microfilm: end page 158

End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:

Dows Dunham American, 1890–1984
MFA Document