Result 72 of 95

Display page dates: 01/20/1926

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 153b

Wednesday, January 20, 1926
55th day of work

Wind dropped in the night, but still from southwest this morning. Shifting and variable all day.

Saw Mr. Edgar at Museum and arranged for first communique.

Quftis: 90

Work on:
(1) Isis Temple Pit in room P
(2) Street G 7000
(3) G 7000 SW (southwest), trench 32
(4) G 7150

Cars emptied:
Line V to 8 am: 52, 8:30 to noon: 134, 1:00 to 4:40 pm: 152
Total: 338

(1) Isis Temple
Pit in room P: Removed one of the stone coffins in front of loculus iv and also that in the loculus. Underneath the latter were the remains of a wooden mummy case or coffin (plundered). Beside it on east were three alabaster canopic jars and on west a fourth jar and three heads (Hapi, lacking).

(2) Street G 7000 S (south)
Clearing railroad embankment and surface debris in street southward of line of south face of G 7150. Close to the G 7150 southwest, there is a rubble wall on which a later mastaba has been built.
Also clearing great mound of ejected debris south of offering recess of G 7050 and entering that recess. Opposite north side of recess a rough stone wall runs to east through surface debris and sebbakh siftings and is similar to the foundation coarse of the limiting walls of the Isis Cemetery.
In the surface debris found the usual faience fragments, potsherds, etc. of Saite-Roman period.

microfilm: end page 153b

End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:

Campbell Cowan Edgar British, 1870–1938
MFA Document