Result 66 of 95

Display page dates: 01/16/1926
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 147
Saturday, January 16, 1926
52nd day of work.
In the night, a fierce southwest storm came up, very cold. It is usually so when a storm has died down for a day or two, another comes in. Radical changes of weather are introduced by heavy north storms, usually lasting only a few hours.
Quftis: 87
Work on:
(1) Isis Temple
(2) Street G 7000 south
(3) Mastaba G 7050
(4) Railroad Line V and G 7060
Cars emptied:
Line IV to 8:00 am: 54, 8:30 - noon: 136, 1:00 - 4:30 pm: 182
Total: 372
(1) Isis Temple
Had a gang engaged under Wheeler in clearing up lines of Isis Temple while he worked on plan. All that remains of the old pyramid temple is room R.
The peculiarity in the construction is the use of tall upright slabs. Room Q was paved with irregular slabs of stone, set on debris around the four columns which rest on debris.
microfilm: end page 147
End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document