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Display page dates: 01/14/1926
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 141a
Thursday, January 14, 1926
50th day of work.
Fine weather at last, north breeze.
Quftis: 87
Work on:
(1) Street G 7000 south (of Isis Temple)
(2) Pits in Isis Temple, S, G 7011 H, I, J
(3) G 7150
Cars emptied:
Line IV to 8:00 am: 42, 8:30 to noon: 102, 1:00 to 4:30 pm: 142
total: 268
The drop was due to the concentration of work on G 7150. Today the men were on the floor levels of room a, b, c and on the pit with an average lift of five meters.
(1) Street G 7000 S (south)
South of Isis Temple. Clearing upper debris east and west of railroad IV, exposed an inclined plane in back of G 7150 and a weatherworn deposit of old masons debris (street picking) to west. The surface of this debris is about 50 cm below top of foundation of Pyramid G I-c at southeast corner and slopes away to south. In the surface debris, the usual series of Saite-Roman objects.
(2) Isis Temple
Examining the crude brick walls of Isis Temple for plan. D.D. noticed among the stones in the lower part of a crude brick bin, a fragment of offering basins with two battered figures looking over edge (bin 202).
Pit in Room S: Cleaned out the rooms below but did not finish pit shaft.
microfilm: end page 141a
End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document