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Display page dates: 01/06/1926
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 127
Wednesday January 6, 1926 (continued)
(3) Isis Temple
Finished clearing rooms E-M of the Isis Temple and worked on Rooms P, Q. The rough sketch below is intended to show the relative positions of the rooms.
The main entrance is from the east through rooms E, D, C to Q. The side rooms P, A, H, G, and J appear to be small chapels. It is to be noted that these chapels contain Saite (?) burial pits ([DIAGRAM]), one in room I (connects with pit in G), one in room J and one in Room F. The pit G 7140 C appears to have been reused in this same period, while the pits G 7011 A and G 7011 B are part of this temple cemetery.
There are two types of construction visible - the earlier, a banded stone masonry laid in plaster, the later crude brick walls lined with thin slabs of limestone.
The doorway on the east lies in the face of mastaba G 7140. It is obvious that the reconstruction of the offering chamber of G 7140 (Khufukhaf) was part of this temple complex and other rooms may be exposed in Street G 7000 south but at the east doorway of E the carry is too long for economy and we turned back to approach G 7100 street from another direction.
Found fragments of reliefs, inscriptions, statues, ushabtis and amulets, nothing of interest. [including 26-1-191 stela fragment inscribed for Pemi from pit in room F]
microfilm: end page 127
End of Diary Transcription
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