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Result 56 of 95

Display page dates: 01/05/1926; 01/06/1926

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 126

Tuesday, January 5, 1926
Day of rest.

Wednesday, January 6, 1926
43rd day of work.

Quftis: 95

Work on:
(1) Avenue G 3
(2) Street G 7000 north of Isis Temple
(3) Isis Temple
(4) G 7140 C

Cars emptied:
line IV to 8 am: 60, 8:30 - noon: 150, 1:00 - 4:30 pm: 210
total: 420
The increase in p.m. was due to shortening carry.

(1) Avenue G 3
Removed crude brick wall of upper level and exposed floor of Saite-Ptolemaic period.
The stone wall and the large crude brick bin as well as the bins further west have the same floor level.

(2) Street G 7000 S (south)
North of Isis Temple. Cleared away the railroad embankment in Street G 7000 to north of Isis Temple. Crude brick bins on same level as before and in Avenue G 3, all lower than the later crude brick walls of the temple, and apparently earlier.

microfilm: end page 126

End of Diary Transcription
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