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Display page dates: 01/02/1926
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 119
Saturday, January 2, 1926 (continued)
(5) Isis Temple
On the western side of Street G 7000 S and south of the crude brick wall mentioned yesterday under "(2) Street G 7000 S" exposed a stone lined chamber of the Isis Temple lettered A [= chapel of Harbes]. [ILLUSTRATION]
This was originally a crude brick chamber with white plastered walls. The chamber of stone has been built in it and is later. The top of the east wall is beveled.
On the floor were:
1) life sized seated statue basis badly worn of [GLYPHS] [Ankhpakhered], limestone [in pencil: 26-1-1239]
2) torso of same [in pencil: 26-1-1240]
3) rude limestone sphinx [in pencil: 26-1-1241]
4) offering stand
5) rude limestone sphinx [in pencil: 26-1-1242]
6) and 7) stones with sunk relief [in pencil: 26-1-1243, 26-1-1244]
and part of a bundle column
On north wall: Isis (suckling Horus) facing east, etc. in sunk relief.
On north and east walls: six to eight graffiti in late hieroglyphs.
South of chamber A, a passage into the core of G 7140 has been constructed and here we found a late stela (funerary) (right side decayed).
[in pencil: See photo A4180, A4179]
microfilm: end page 119
End of Diary Transcription
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