Result 6 of 95

Display page dates: 11/04/1924
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 7
Tuesday, November 4, 1924
Fourth work day.
Quftis employed: 86
locals: 22 from Kafr Nassu.
The locals from Kafr Nassur are unsatisfactory, came an hour late today, do not work well, and complained of their wages. We parted at sunset mutually dissatisfied.
Work on:
(1) G I-b east front and street [G 7000]
(2) G 7130 back [wall]
(1) G I-b east front and street [G 7000]
Reached the middle of the pyramid G I-b having cleared away debris of decay above and the dirty debris which reached to tops of casing as preserved. Have now exposed the southern wall of a small chapel in axis of pyramid. This wall is about one meter wide, is of Turah limestone and preserved to a height of one course. [Later: A foundation, one course.]
The area south of the chapel is thickly covered with the crude brick bins mentioned before and the floor of their period as described yesterday extends over the whole area as a trodden layer of dark debris, about on a level with the floor of the temple. The rock rises however from south to north and the temple floor is higher than expected. The floor and the bins extend across to the back. [ILLUSTRATION]
A section cut at one place at the back of G 7130 shows a small deposit of drift sand (ancient) at the part of the casing and covering a weathered surface (of casing). The harder debris on which the trodden floor rests overlies this drift and is later. At the edge of our excavation on the south, the exposed section shows very clearly the trench cut to remove the casing of G 7130. That trench is now filled with sebbakh siftings which there overlie the dirty debris. The objects found in the dirty debris and in the sebbakh siftings are (as far as the south wall of temple) exclusively Ptolemaic-Roman (after Dynasty 25), except
microfilm: end page 7
End of Diary Transcription
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