Result 45 of 95

Display page dates: 12/23/1925
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 103
Wednesday, December 23, 1925 (continued)
(1) G 6023
G 6023 C: Finished clearing sand from coffin trench in G 6023 C (chamber). No objects.
(2) G 6040
Main causeway, eastern end. Reached rock on a line a little south of south wall of G 4000 across to near south end of G 4140. No trace of causeway which probably lies further south. The dump from the pit G 4140 A rests on about 50 cm of drift sand. As usual, the plundering of the pit took place after the cemetery G 4000 was partially sanded up. The sand over the old drift and over the pit-dump probably came in very rapidly, and the "modern surface" is not far from the surface of Dynasty 7 - 11 (as was proved for the area west of G 2000 (Lepsius 23).
(3) Street G 7000
Continued excavation of surface debris south of last year's work in Street G 7000, front of Avenue G 3, and building railroad embankment towards south.
microfilm: end page 103
End of Diary Transcription
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