Result 44 of 95

Display page dates: 12/22/1925; 12/23/1925

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 102

Tuesday, December 22, 1925
Day of rest for men.

Reception Howells', Ziwar Pasha, Samy Pasha and the ministers. Zulficar Pasha. Mr. G. Howland Shaw to dinner.

Wednesday, December 23, 1925
31st day of work.

Mr. C.C. Edgar (with Mr. Dark) came on my application to discuss dumping place for debris from G 7000 south. He agreed to our running out over the ground we have examined and down the gully which runs between the south edge of G 7000 and the flat-topped mound of ancient quarry debris which lies in the fork between the two roads - one to the village and one to the Sphinx.

to the village
flat-topped mound
to Sphinx
railroad line

Afterwards visited Baraize who showed us about - pointed out at the left hind paw (1) the original rock cutting (plastered and painted), (2) the restoration of Thutmose IV (or the time of the granite stela) and (3) the restoration of the Ptolemaic Roman period. Met there L'abbe Drioton and M. Bruyere. Baraize gave each of us a photo of the Sphinx and the work going on.

Work on:
(1) G 6023 C
(2) G 6040 main causeway, east
(3) Street G 7000

Cars emptied:
line III to 8:00 am: 54, 3:30 to noon: 113, 1:00 to 4:30 pm: 110
total: 277
about one-half force 554

microfilm: end page 102

End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document