Result 43 of 95

Display page dates: 12/21/1925
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 101
Monday, December 21, 1925 (continued)
(3) G 6050
G 6050 A: Cleared chamber of sand. The cutting on the west was never completed.
one pot
Again it is clear that the chamber was cut from the roof down.
(4) G 6040
Main causeway eastern part. Continued clearing south end of G 4000 and west side of G 4140.
(5) G 7000 SW (southwest)
Continued in trenches 32 and 33.
Number 33 runs east-west to uncover width of construction (quarry) plane. The wall is 120 cm wide, rubble, heavily plastered with mud on east and bare rubble on west. Evidently the eastern side of a wide, filled plane, the western retaining wall of which lies further west.
(6) Street G 7000 S (south)
Put a small gang of men to constructing railroad to clear the street G 7000 south, in front of pyramid G I-c. We began at edge of excavations of 1924 - 5 and building railroad embankment of excavated debris. Saite-Ptolemaic object in upper debris as everywhere.
microfilm: end page 101
End of Diary Transcription
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