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Display page dates: 12/03/1925

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 40

Thursday, December 3, 1925 (continued)

(6) G 6010, G 6011, G 6015, G 6016, construction planes
Finished clearing south end of G 6016 and found that it is the broken lower end of a construction plane - up to north.
Reexamined G 6011 against the E face of G 6010 and find that it also was a construction plane. No pits were found in it.


The second course of the face of the east wall of G 6010 is laid in and on the filling of the construction plane G 6011. In any case G 6011 is later than the front wall of G 6010.

(7) G 6011
See G 6010 of this date.

(8) G 6016
See G 6010 of this date.

(9) G 7000 SW (southwest)
Preliminary to clearing the continuation of Queen's street (street G 7000) in front of G I-c and southwards (back of G 7180, G 7140, G 7150, etc) began an examination of the ground along the public path to the Sphinx. Trenching the


extreme southern part [ILLUSTRATION] find mason's debris to a depth of 2 - 3 meters, resting on rock. This examination will be continued northwards and westwards until we find structures.

microfilm: end page 40

End of Diary Transcription
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