Result 37 of 95

Display page dates: 03/07/1925; 03/08/1925

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 280

Saturday, March 7, 1925 (continued)

(4) G 7000 X (continued)
trickle into the damage of objects unseen and near the door. There is no true doorblock, the whole thirty meters or so of pit-locking, all fastened to a solid mass with "gyps" (=gypsum) being evidently considered sufficient for this purpose.
The stones will be removed on the north down to floor level, probably at from 28 - 30 meters deep. Then a photograph will be taken of the blocks actually in front of the door and later these will be removed.

Letters apprising Mr. Quibell and Mr. Engelbach of these developments have been written and both have been asked to come out tomorrow afternoon to see the tomb chamber before work actually commences.

Sunday, March 8, 1925
115th day of work

No locals are now employed in the works, and Line VI is now out of use.

work on:
(1) Street G 7000
(2) Avenue G 0
(3) G 7000 X

(1) Street G 7000
Clearing all debris and Roman granaries from the street. Some work in the morning in breaking stones on temple of G I-b and in the afternoon outside entrance of that pyramid. A new Roman granary was found north of "110" and west of "113." This will await recording before removal. During afternoon work was chiefly in the area between "87" and "98" at east of street. Near "49" some stone is being removed.

(2) Avenue G 0
Clearing debris south of G 7214 L and (later) north and east of G 7214 E.
G 7215 D1: Chamber is still being cleared.

(3) G 7000 X
It was decided to photograph when, at the north, the depth was reached of 26.27 meters. When this had been done the blocks still in position opposite the door were drawn and then carefully removed one by one. A [mud jar-stopper (without seal impression)] was found jammed in among the stones, which were here beautifully cut and regular; two others

microfilm: end page 280

End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document