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Display page dates: 03/06/1925; 03/07/1925

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 278

Friday, March 6, 1925 (continued)

(6) G 7000 X (continued)


surface of several contain cement [= plaster // GAR], two of these show traces of the grain of wood(?) impressed on the cement [= plaster // GAR] - surface. Their purpose is not at present clear. But the vertical side probably stood against a wall and a wooden pole seems to have stood in the central hole.
At noon the depth reached was 2305 cm, the rock now being good on all four sides.


During the afternoon this depth was increased to about 2450 cm and there is still no sign of the bottom.

Mr. Engelbach, Inspector of Antiquities, visited the works this afternoon and saw the new tomb G 7000 X.

Saturday, March 7, 1925
114th day of work

work on:
(1) Street G 7000
(2) Street G 7500
(3) Avenue G 0
(4) G 7000 X

[Said: (1) Street G 7000, (2) pit G 7000 X, (3) rock cut chamber G 7215 D-I, (4) pit G 7610 P, (5) pit G 7710 A]

(1) Street G 7000
Work continues on the stones upon temple floor of G I-a, and in the afternoon work began on the clearing of temple of G I-b to south.

(2) Street G 7500
G 7610 P: Clearing chamber through pit of G 7522 X. Dirty debris.
G 7710 A, G 7710 B: Cleared today.

(3) Avenue G 0
Clearing a pit at west side of G 7210 (north), also G 7214 E, in debris east of G 7215 F.
Clearing also chamber of G 7215 D1 on east wall of which there is

microfilm: end page 278

End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:

Reginald Engelbach British, 1888–1946
MFA Document