Result 27 of 95

Display page dates: 12/01/1924; 12/02/1924; 12/03/1924
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 41
Monday, December 1, 1924 (continued)
(1) Street G 7000 and Avenue G 0
G I-a, main street and north side. Moved the loading point back 17 meters at 8 a.m., beyond the end of G 7110. Cleared main street to northeast corner of G I-a and northwest corner of G 7110. Went into old dump of Vyse on north side of G I-a and other debris (of decay) nearly to middle of IV side of G I-a.
(2) G 7110
Still going down in G 7110 pit. Debris continues as before.
Worked around north end of G 7110 clearing off surface and reached northeast corner where we propose to turn back working out the hard debris.
(3) G 7101
In cleaning away surface debris north of western side of G 7110 came on two small square pits (lined with crude brick) which appear to belong to a destroyed mastaba. This mastaba is No. G 7101. Pit letters not yet assigned. [Later: Pits D and E]
Tuesday, December 2, 1924
Day of rest for men.
Mahmud el Meyyit sent to Girga regarding shipment and to arrange abandonment of site [over] to Museum guard.
Wednesday, December 3, 1924
Twenty-ninth day of work.
Mr. Lacau and Mr. Englebach visited the excavations this morning:
(a) The plan of the Museum excavations north of G 7310 to G 7610 has not been controlled and dumping on the western part must wait a short time.
(b) Refilling of main street [G 7000] G I-a and G I-b. Low retaining wall leaving foundation course of pyramid and mastabas. Filling to cover tops of bins. Wall across west end of street between G I-a and G I-b [avenue G 1].
(c) The Service wishes to roof the chamber of mastaba Lepsius 56 (G 7070) (Senferu-kha-f [Snefrukhaf]).
(d) The area around this mastaba and eastward
microfilm: end page 41
End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:People:
Reginald Engelbach British, 1888–1946
Snefrukhaf (G 7070)
Richard William Howard Vyse British, 1784–1853
Pierre Lucien Lacau French, 1873–1963
Mahmud Ahmed Said 'el-Meyyet' (Reis)
Reginald Engelbach British, 1888–1946
Snefrukhaf (G 7070)
Richard William Howard Vyse British, 1784–1853
Pierre Lucien Lacau French, 1873–1963
Mahmud Ahmed Said 'el-Meyyet' (Reis)
MFA Document