Result 25 of 95

Display page dates: 11/29/1924; 11/30/1924
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 39
Saturday, November 29, 1924
Twenty-sixth day of work.
It is now said that the arrest of William Makram, Nakrashy Bey and Abd-er Rahman Fahmy was in connection with a new conspiracy against the Ziwer Ministry and Lord Allenby.
Arabic special news sheets this evening bring rumor of mutiny of fifty Sudanese soldiers in Khartum and other rumors.
Quftis: 85
locals: 97
Total: 182
North wind, fine weather.
Work on:
(1) [east of] G I-a, main street [street G 7000]
(2) G 7110 pit [B]
(1) Street G 7000
G I-a, main street. Continued as before. Nearing north end of pyramid G I-a.
(2) G 7110
G 7110 B: Continued clearing pit in G 7110. Down about 6 meters.
Sunday, November 30, 1924
Twenty-seventh day of work.
Quftis: 85
locals: 96
Total: 181
Work on:
(1) G I-a, main street [street G 7000]
(2) G 7110 pit B
(1) G I-a and Street G 7000
G I-a, main street. The surface debris and debris left by Nas Sisi have been cleared away as far as northeast corner of pyramid G I-a. Have turned the corner and begun on the north face of pyramid. Here there is a modern trench, probably dug by Vyse, parallel to north face. [Later: Not to be confused with Schiaparelli's narrow trench further to north.]
The area of the chapel was also covered with the same yellow debris as the east face of the pyramid. This area and the foundation course of
microfilm: end page 39
End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:People:
Nakrashy (Bey)
William Makram Abeid
Lord Edmund Allenby
Richard William Howard Vyse British, 1784–1853
Abd-er-Rahman Fahmy (Bey)
Ernesto Schiaparelli Italian, 1856–1928
Nakrashy (Bey)
William Makram Abeid
Lord Edmund Allenby
Richard William Howard Vyse British, 1784–1853
Abd-er-Rahman Fahmy (Bey)
Ernesto Schiaparelli Italian, 1856–1928
MFA Document