Result 23 of 95

Display page dates: 11/27/1924
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 37
Thursday, November 27, 1924
Twenty-fourth day of work.
Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Reisner, [Mary] and I went to American reunion at Gezira.
Quftis: 85
locals: 95
Total: 180
News in evening paper that the British have arrested William Makram Abeid, Nakrashy Bey, Abd-er-Rahman [Bey] Fahmy for complicity in assassination of [the] Sirdar [Sir Lee Stack]. William Makram is from Qanesh [Qeneh] and a member of parliament, very violent as a partisan but not supposed to be favorable to criminal action. Nakrashy Bey is the man who ordered the police not to interface in the riots of two weeks ago, and proved his lawless disposition on that occasion. Abd-er Rahman [Bey] Fahmy is considered by Europeans to be capable of almost anything.
Work on:
(1) G I-b [Street G 7000, G I-b, southeast corner]
(2) G 7130 back [Street G 7000, back of G 7130]
(3) G I-a street [Street G 7000, east of G I-a]
(1) G I-b
A small gang were employed in exposing the foundations of G I-b pyramid and temple.
The southeast corner of C 1 of pyramid is preserved. The mason's debris is largely chips of Turah limestone and clearly resulted from the final dressing of the pyramid.
(2) G 7130
Cleared back wall of G 7130 (same gang as in (1) above).
microfilm: end page 37
End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:People:
Miss Mary Reisner American, 1902–1963
Sir Lee Stack
Nakrashy (Bey)
Abd-er-Rahman Fahmy (Bey)
William Makram Abeid
Mrs. Mary Reisner American,
George Andrew Reisner American, 1867–1942
Miss Mary Reisner American, 1902–1963
Sir Lee Stack
Nakrashy (Bey)
Abd-er-Rahman Fahmy (Bey)
William Makram Abeid
Mrs. Mary Reisner American,
George Andrew Reisner American, 1867–1942
MFA Document