Result 20 of 95

Display page dates: 11/23/1924
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 32
Sunday, November 23, 1924 (continued)
[assassination of Sir Lee Stack, continued]
from a street demonstration (mild but significant).
Saad Zaghlul issues a proclamation urging people to refrain from demonstrations.
The southwestern continued again all day - very cold.
Quftis: 85
locals: 73
Total: 158
twenty at Ghattati
Work on:
(1) G I-b [chapel, street G 7000]
(2) [east of] G I-a, [street G 7000]
(3) Street G 7110-G 7120 (G 7121?)
(1) G I-b, chapel
Swept off the foundation platform of G I-b chapel and noted the architects lines. [ILLUSTRATION]. The offering room is 10.50 meters long by 2.10 wide (20 ells x 4 ells). The northern line of the doorway is clear in places. The southern niche is not marked on the pavement but must be implied. The walls (except in portal) are 210 cm (4 ells) thick? same as width of room. Room was of course roofed with limestone slabs (about 255 cm long).
microfilm: end page 32
End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document