Result 18 of 95

Display page dates: 11/21/1924
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 28
Friday, November 21, 1924 (continued)
Quftis: 85
locals: 79
Total: 164
twenty at Ghattati
Work on
(1) street between G I-b and G I-a, [avenue G 1]
(2) North-south street [G 7000] east of G I-a
(1) Avenue G 1
Street between G I-b and G I-a. Finished clearing boat-depository [G I-a boat pit]. There are eight course walls of rubble of late date. The bottom is rounded in the middle [ILUSTRATION].
Cleared surface eastward to main north-south street. The foundation course of both G I-b and G I-a is sunk in the rock and in G I-b where the casing foundation course is preserved (except for corner stone (northeast corner)), the dressing begins with the surface of the rock not at the bottom of the casing [ILLUSTRATION]. The rock was carefully dressed to take the casing but not the core [ILLUSTRATION]. The floor of the casing at the northeast corner is exposed but shows no trace of any foundation deposit.
(2) Street G 7000
North-south street G I-a - G I-b. About 10 a.m. began working out the debris between railroad and G I-a moving [ARROW] north and also the debris between street G I-b - G I-a and railroad.
At noon shifted loading switch about 15 meters further north and began removing railroad embankment to that point.
[(3) Kafr Ghattati excavation notes ignored]
microfilm: end page 28
End of Diary Transcription
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