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Display page dates: 11/12/1924

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 18

Wednesday, November 12, 1924
Eleventh day of work.

Quftis: 86
locals: 57 (eighty-two applicants)
Total: 143

Work on:
(1) G I-b, north of temple and on north side of pyramid, [street G 7000]
(2) G 7120 back, [avenue G 1, G I-b, north face]
(3) G 7131 chamber, [street G 7000, back of G 7120]
(4) railroad embankment, [street G 7000]

(1) G I-b north of temple and north of pyramid
Cleared debris of decay away and surface debris to near line of north side of pyramid, in street. Then turned west along north wall of pyramid and began working out the debris of decay north of pyramid. Found in black debris in street usual Ptolemaic-Roman fragments and a few of Dynasty 4, a fragment of a royal diorite statue (from belt and tops of pleated skirt), fragment alabaster dish [ILLUSTRATION].

(2) G 7120
Continued clearing back of G 7120 east of railroad.

(3) G 7131
Photographed debris in chamber yesterday and today began clearing chamber, half full of black debris and stones.

(4) Railroad embankment
Shifted loading switch another 10 meters to north and had a gang on removing the old embankment and another following them on the underlying debris.

microfilm: end page 18

End of Diary Transcription
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