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Display page dates: 11/20/1925
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 9
Friday, November 20, 1925 (continued)
(4) G 6020
G 6020 rooms a and b: Finished clearing drift from G 6020 a and entered G 6020 b (long east west room). Strong smell of bat's dung in b.
Very dirty modern drift probably in since Lepsius' time. On the relief a few Arabic inscriptions on a wall [ARABIC] "property of Allah, the one, the victorious", near it [ARABIC] "came the pilgrim"(?)
The roof is vaulted but structure not visible in darkness.
See L.D. Eg. I page 41, Eg. Tefal V, VI, VII, L.D. II 51, 52, 53b.
At the east end of the south wall a large hole has been broken into the great serdab (this hole is indicated in L.D. Eg. Plate VII, therefore the serdab was already emptied in his time and the fact is confirmed by the fragments of statues (weather worn) found in drift sand in front of the mastaba. The drift in this serdab is all comparatively modern with blown straw and bat's dung.
(5) G 6030
G 6030 room a: Finished clearing this room and the southern serdab. On the south wall is a scene which is not in Lepsius. I do not think either the architrave or the sides of the northern niche have ever been inscribed (except possibly painted). In front of it is a stone platform
level with ground outside the door. The rock falls away to south.
microfilm: end page 9
End of Diary Transcription
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