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Display page dates: 11/18/1925
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 4
Wednesday, November 18, 1925 (continued)
(2) G 6010
G 6010 A: Examining the tops of the mastabas noted a small pit (ca. 2 ells square) in G 6010 which had been plundered. Ordered this recleared throwing sand to west whence it can be easily removed during excavation of back. [???] 5 meters; all blown sand.
(3) G 6020
Someone has explored the top of G 6020 for a pit. The mastaba top was paved with nummulitic limestone like the sides. The thieves have broken through this roof pavement and cleared a large hole in the old filling searching for the pit, but not finding any. Their excavation was found to be refilled with drift sand. They threw the excavated debris over the west wall of the mastaba. Presumably the burial chamber was entered by a sloping passage cut in the rock and opening east of the mastaba.
(4) G 6041 complex
On the edge of the rock scarp (see 1 of this date) along the western edge of our clearing we exposed the southern faces of a complex of small mastabas:
microfilm: end page 4
End of Diary Transcription
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