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Display page dates: 11/27/1925

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 27

Friday, November 27, 1925 (continued)

(4) G 6050
Continued clearing east face of G 6050 and back of G 6010. Now about 10 meters from south face of G 6020. Clean drift sand.

(5) G 6015 and G 6016
A reexamination of G 6015 and G 6016 shows that they are not mastabas but probably the remains of construction planes.


d interprets as follows: G 6016 was a broad low plane leading in from south and feeding lower courses of G 6010. From this a second plane (G 6015) rose toward east (? and north?) feeding higher courses, of original mastaba G 6010. The offering rooms outside the mastaba on east and north were built later.
It is also possible that G 6016 is the rest of the older plane (mastaba) and that G 6015 is the rest of the later plane (addition).

microfilm: end page 27

End of Diary Transcription
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