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Display page dates: 05/20/1940; 05/29/1940

Diary Transcription: page 1004

microfilm: begin page 1004

Monday, May 20, 1940

work on
(1) G 5482 C, D
(2) G 7530-40 [= G 7530-7540]

(1) G 5482
G 5482 C: In shaft and chamber. Lined above with crude brick topped with rubble and cut in rock below. It is west of B and east of D. Total depth 2.9 meters, sand, limestone debris, rubble and dirty debris. Chamber on west cut in rock. No blocking. it is below shaft C. Cleared. Drawing.

G 5482 D: In shaft and chamber. Lined on north and west with masonry and on south with rubble and ends at rock. It is east of mastaba G 5480 and west of C and above the chamber of C. Total depth 2.15 meters, sand, limestone debris and rubble. Chamber on north built of masonry and destroyed on north. It was roofed with slabs, one of the roofing slabs remains on south. No blocking. Cleared. Drawing.

(2) G 7530-40 [= G 7530-7540]
In clearing the chamber and having it ready for some office equipment to be removed in it because of war.
Today is the last day in the working season for this year.

Wednesday, May 29, 1940

work on
(1) L.G. 71 a-d

(1) L.G. 71
rooms a-d: Guards in cleaning these rooms of that rock cut tomb and have it ready for the Mudir and the ladies to stay in them because of war. That tomb is east of the northeast corner of G 7510. The tomb is cut in rock, sand, dirty debris, limestone debris, rubble and stones.
rooms b, c, d cleaned.
room a for Miss Perkins and Miss Ginger.
rooms b and c office and dining room for the Mudir and the Hawagat.
room d for the Mudir (bedroom and bathroom).
Drawing of the rock cut tomb will be on page 1005.

microfilm: end page 1004

End of Diary Transcription
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