Result 86 of 90

Display page dates: 12/05/1929

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 989

Giza Harvard - Boston

Thursday, December 5, 1929
Thirtieth day of work

Work on:
(1) G 7700
(2) G 7510
(3) G 7530 A
(4) G 7753 A, Y
(5) G 7754 B, U
(6) G 7757 A
(7) G 7761 A, X
(8) G 7000 E IV, V, VI [G 7000 E 4, 5, 6]

Locals: 44

Cars Line XIV
6:00 - 8:00: 30
8:30 - 12:00: 55
1:00 - 4:25: 45
Total 130

(1) Street G 7700
East of G 7753, G 7754, clearing southwards. Uncovered late graves G 7000 E IV [G 7000 E 4], V [G 7000 E 5], VI [G 7000 E 6].

(2) G 7510
Clearing top of mastaba at north end.

(3) G 7530
G 7530 A: Transporting sarcophagus and lid to gateway.

(4) G 7753
G 7753 A: Down 6.5 meters. Debris: rubble, limestone chips, and fragments of mud brick.
G 7753 Y: In chamber. [ILLUSTRATION]

(5) G 7754
Clearing mastaba.
G 7754 B: Depth 5.2 meters. Chamber on west, open, rock cut coffin, open. Found in debris: four limestone jars (unbored) [29-12-67, 29-12-68, 29-12-69, 29-12-70], limestone model vessels [29-12-71, 29-12-72, 29-12-73].
G 7754 U: In chamber, cleared.

(6) G 7757
G 7757 A: Removing blocking stones of room X. Found in debris: ushabti, and fragments: copper [29-12-75], udjats [29-12-77], amulets [29-12-76, 29-12-80], beads [29-12-78, 29-12-79], glass fragments.

(7) G 7761
G 7761 A: In chamber. Cleared. [ILLUSTRATION]

microfilm: end page 989

End of Diary Transcription
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