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Display page dates: 12/02/1929; 12/03/1929; 12/04/1929

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 986

Monday, December 2, 1929 (continued)

(1) Street G 7700
East of G 7761, and south of. Clearing street debris.

(2) G 7510
Clearing top of mastaba at north end.

(3) G 7530
G 7530 A: Transporting sarcophagus and lid to gateway.

(4) G 7753
Clearing mastaba, under Roman mud brickwork. Uncovered late burials.

(5) G 7754
East of G 7750, clearing mastaba. Uncovered pit B.
G 7754 B: Down 1.5 meters. Rubble and rock-cut below.

(6) G 7757
G 7757 A:
Room VI: Removed debris of body in south rock-cut coffin. Wrapping very much decayed. Found on mummy: gold leaf amulets in position [29-12-24, 29-12-25, 29-12-26, 29-12-27, 29-12-28], gold leaf finger and toe nails [29-12-29, 29-12-30].
Room X: Removed loose stones of blocking and uncovered remainder for photograph and drawings. The schist sarcophagus had been completely built around and above by stone blocks and cement. Robbers appear to have broken through pit and door blockings to sarcophagus, which they have entered by breaking the under-side of head-end of lid without otherwise damaging it. The lid is covered with longitudinal lines of inscription. Found in debris of robbers at doorway: nine ushabtis, fragments, hematite scarab [identified as feldspar (?) in register: 29-12-32], fragments of pottery canopic jar [29-12-34], fragments of gilded silver [29-12-31], glass fragments [29-12-33], potsherds [29-12-36, 29-12-40].

(7) G 7759
G 7759 W: Depth 5.25 meters. Chamber open on west, rock-cut, with rock-cut coffin, lid in position.

Tuesday, December 3, 1929
Day of rest.

Wednesday, December 4, 1929
Twenty-ninth day of work.

Locals: 43

Cars, line XIV, XV:
6:00 - 8:00: 28, 52
8:30 - 12:00: 45, 70
1:00 - 4:25: 48, 45
totals: 121, 167
total: 288

Work on:
(1) G 7700
(2) G 7510
(3) G 7530 A
(4) G 7753 A, Y
(5) G 7754 B, V, U
(6) G 7757 A
(7) G 7761 X
(8) G 7762 Z
(9) G 7000 E I [G 7000 E 1]

microfilm: end page 986

End of Diary Transcription
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