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Display page dates: 11/04/1929; 11/05/1929; 11/06/1929

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 957

Monday, November 4, 1929
Fourth day of work.


Cars, line XIV:
5:45 - 8:00: 34
8:30 - 12:00: 76
1:00 - 4:30: 88
total: 198

Work on:
(1) G 7700
(2) G 7530 A
(3) G 7750 'c', 'b'
(4) G 7752
(5) G 7753 Z
(6) G 7000 E I [G 7000 E 1]

(1) Street G 7700
Working northwards in street. Found in debris: fragment of copper wire.

(2) G 7530
G 7530 A: Preparing to lift sarcophagus. Lifted lid into room 'a'.

(3) G 7750
Rooms 'b' and 'c': Built of mud brick broken on west side. Limestone column base in Room 'b'. Door on north of room 'c' into Room 'b'.

(4) G 7752
Mastaba of small masonry, east of G 7750, off its southeast corner.

(5) G 7753
Mastaba of small masonry, east of G 7750. On top of this mastaba are late mud brick walls, built on debris.
G 7753 Z: Off southeast corner of mastaba. Built of masonry.

(6) G 7000 E I [G 7000 E 1]
Uncovered but not excavated.

Tuesday, November 5 1929
Day of rest.

Work on:
Preparing railway No. XV, on north end of G 7510 to northwards.

Wednesday, November 6 1929
Fifth day of work.

Locals: 20

Cars, line XIV, XV:
5:50 - 8:00: 42, __
8:00 - 12:00: 86, 25
1:00 - 4:30: 66, 18
totals: 194, 43
total: 237

Work on:
(1) G 7700 street
(2) G 7510
(3) G 7530 A

microfilm: end page 957

End of Diary Transcription
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