Result 69 of 90

Display page dates: 03/10/1929; 03/11/1929; 03/12/1929; 03/13/1929

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 892

Sunday, March 10, 1929 (continued)

(1) Street G 7600
Clearing, east of G 7650, northern area. Removing walls of Roman mud building. Found in debris below: fragments of wall reliefs from chapel G 7650 'a' [29-3-81, 29-3-82, 29-3-83, 29-3-84, 29-3-85, 29-3-86, 29-3-87, 29-3-88].

(2) G 7540
G 7540 T: Clearing bodies and debris from rooms (2) and (3). Found in debris of room (2): scraps of gold from ornaments [29-3-90, 29-3-91], small "headrest" amulet in hematite (?) [29-3-89]. From room (3): large number of blue glass barrel beads [29-3-105], and yellow glass ball beads [29-3-106], gold foil ornaments [29-3-101, 29-3-102, 29-3-103], amulets of carnelian and hematite [29-3-95, 29-3-96, 29-3-97], steatite scarab (blank) [29-3-92], scraps of gold foil [29-3-104].

(3) G 7560
G 7560 Y: Clearing water-borne debris. Uncovered rock-cut sarcophagus, north to south, rough, with lid in position.

(4) G 7650
Clearing on top of south end of mastaba. Uncovered pit C.
G 7650 C: Down 3.8 meters, built of big blocks, rock-cut below.

(5) G 7690
G 7690 B: Removing door blocking of chamber.

Monday, March 11, 1929
Work suspended for Baizam.

Tuesday, March 12, 1929
Work suspended for Baizam.

Wednesday, March 13, 1929
Thirtieth day of work.

Locals: 47

Cars (line XIII):
6:30 - 8:00: 45
8:30 - 12:00: 162
1:00 - 5:00: 122
total: 329

Work on:
(1) G 7600
(2) G 7540 T
(3) G 7560 Y
(4) G 7650 C
(5) G 7690 B

(1) Street G 7600
Clearing north in street. Debris: mud brick from Roman buildings; below: debris of limestone rubble and sand.

(2) G 7540
G 7540 T: In rooms (2) and (3). Clearing debris. Found in room (2): two blank scarabs [29-3-118, 29-3-119], two wadj amulets [29-3-125, 29-3-126], barrel bead carnelian [29-3-123], gold fragments of ornaments [29-3-120, 29-3-121, 29-3-122, 29-3-127], copper nail [29-3-117]. Found in room (3): large number of blue glass barrel beads [29-3-108], and yellow glass ball beads [29-3-109], amulets [29-3-111, 29-3-113, 29-3-115, 29-3-116], gold scraps [29-3-107].

microfilm: end page 892

End of Diary Transcription
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