Result 68 of 90

Display page dates: 03/09/1929; 03/10/1929

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 891

Saturday, March 9, 1929
Twenty-eighth day of work.

Locals: 52

Cars (line XIII):
6:30 - 8:00: 25
8:30 - 12:00: 120
1:00 - 5:00: 111
total: 256

Work on:
(1) G 7600
(2) G 7540 T
(3) G 7650
(4) G 7660
(5) G 7000 SE 124, 125, 129

(1) Street G 7600
Clearing, east of G 7650, removing mud brick walls of Pt XIV to XVII. Found in debris: faience amulets [29-3-62, 29-3-65, 29-3-66, 29-3-67], scarab [29-3-61], udjat eye[s] [29-3-60, 29-3-64, 29-3-68], ushabti head [29-3-63], decorated potsherds [29-3-69].

(2) G 7540
G 7540 T: Clearing bodies, bones, wood fragments of coffin etc. Found in debris of room (1) (east): copper nail [29-3-70]. Found in debris of room (2): two small dishes (pottery) [29-3-71]. Found in room (3): barrel beads of faience [29-3-73] and gold fragments from necklace ornaments [29-3-74, 29-3-75, 29-3-76, 29-3-77, 29-3-78, 29-3-79], base of large pottery jar [29-3-80]. Unfinished.

(3) G 7650
Clearing on top of south end of mastaba.

(4) North of G 7660
Clearing north of mastaba. Uncovered late grave G 7000 SE 129.

(5) G 7000 SE 124, 125, 129
No. 124 [G 7000 SE 124]: Removed remains of mud coffin and bones.
No. 125 [G 7000 SE 125]: Removed remains of mud coffin and bones; preserved face of coffin [29-3-59].
No. 129 [G 7000 SE 129]: Height .8 meters. Built of rubble. Debris: rubble and sand. Three rooms: (1) on east; (2) on north; (3) on west. Cleared.

Sunday, March 10 1929
Twenty-ninth day of work.

Locals: 57

Cars (line XIII):
6:30 - 8:00: 30
8:30 - 12:00: 114
1:00 - 5:00: 103
total: 247

Work on:
(1) G 7600
(2) G 7540 T
(3) G 7560 Y
(4) G 7650 and C
(5) G 7690 B

microfilm: end page 891

End of Diary Transcription
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