Result 65 of 90

Display page dates: 02/28/1929; 03/01/1929

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 885

Thursday, February 28, 1929 (continued)

(2) G 7579
Clearing over mastaba of rubble. Uncovered pit A and late grave G 7000 SE 122.
G 7579 A: Depth .85 meters. Built of rubble and mud. No chamber.

(3) G 7690
On top of mastaba, at north end. Found in debris: inscribed ushabti [29-2-93], faience amulet[s] [29-2-94, 29-2-95, 29-2-96, 29-2-98], faience udjat eye [29-2-97]: uncovered pit B.

(4) G 7000 SE 122
No. 122 [G 7000 SE 122]: Height .4 meters. Built of mud and rubble. Cleared.

Friday, March 1, 1929
Twenty-first day of work.

Locals: 45

Cars (line XIII):
6:30 - 8:00: 24
8:30 - 12:00: 50
1:00 - 4:40: 60
total: 135

Work on:
(1) G 7600
(2) G 7540 T
(3) G 7690 B


microfilm: end page 885

End of Diary Transcription
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