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Display page dates: 02/23/1929; 02/24/1929

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 882

Saturday, February 23, 1929 (continued)

(5) G 7577
Clearing on top of mastaba. Uncovered four pits.
G 7577 A: Depth 3.4 meters. Built of rubble, rock-cut below. No room.
G 7577 B: Depth 1.6 meters. Built of mud and rubble. No room.
G 7577 C: Depth 1.1 meters. Built of mud and rubble. No room.
G 7577 D: Depth .8 meters. Built of mud and rubble. No room.

(6) G 7660
G 7660 Y: In room. Clearing debris from room.

(7) South of G 7670
Clearing south of mastaba, between it and G 7690.

(8) G 7000 SE 118, 119, 120
No. 118 [G 7000 SE 118]: Opened door blocking of north room (No. II). Cleared.
No. 119 [G 7000 SE 119]: This number is the room of No. 118. Height 1.1 meters.
No. 120 [G 7000 SE 120]: Height .75 meters. Rubble. Cleared.

No locals after noon: worked stopped at 3:30 p.m., on account of wind and sand.

Sunday, February 24, 1929
Seventeenth day of work.

Locals: 9

Work on:
(1) G 7540 W
(2) G 7560 Z
(3) G 7565 A
(4) G 7567 B
(5) G 7660 Y
(6) G 7690 (southwest corner)

(1) G 7540
G 7540 W: Clearing room. Found: green stone udjat amulet [29-2-84], fragment of ushabti, faience cylinder beads [29-2-83].

(2) G 7560
G 7560 Z: Clearing debris around sarcophagus.

(3) G 7565
G 7565 A: In room. Built of rubble.


microfilm: end page 882

End of Diary Transcription
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