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Display page dates: 02/22/1929

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 880

Friday, February 22, 1929
Fifteenth day of work.

Locals: 48

Cars (line XII): none

Work on:
(1) G 7540 W
(2) G 7560 Y, Z
(3) G 7565 (west of)
(4) G 7567 B
(5) G 7574 (south of)
(6) G 7576
(7) G 7660 Y

(1) G 7540
G 7540 W: Clearing pit.

(2) G 7560
G 7560 Y: Removed first plug block from passage.
G 7560 Z: Clearing a section of the debris in room thus: [ILLUSTRATION] in order to examine deposit of debris.

(3) West of G 7565
Removing late graves. Debris of rubble below.

(4) G 7567
G 7567 B: In room, clearing.

(5) South of G 7574
Clearing southwards.

(6) G 7576
Clearing on top of south end of mastaba.

(7) G 7660
G 7660 Y: In room. Clearing debris.

Stopped work at 10 a.m. on account of wind and sand.

microfilm: end page 880

End of Diary Transcription
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