Result 52 of 90

Display page dates: 05/16/1928; 05/17/1928
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 850
Wednesday, May 16, 1928 (continued)
(1) Street G 7550 south
Clearing southwards in street, east of G 7550. Found in debris: face of wooden coffin painted; stone earring, fragment of copper, faience amulet, head of small faience ushabti. Uncovered south end of G 7550, and found alongside this face two pottery vessels and fragments.
(2) G 7550
G 7550 B: In chamber. Clearing debris of rksh, sand, bird bones, and fallen stones of door blocking. Two courses of blocking remain. Found in debris at entrance to room: potsherds, fragment of late brown glazed pottery, broken faience Bes, faience udjat.
Room 'a': Name legible over head of woman (wife) on left of doorway outside [GLYPHS] [Nebtyhetep]. Inside room top register over niche [GLYPHS].
Thursday, May 17, 1928
Fifty-seventh day of work.
Locals: 50
Cars emptied, line XI:
5:00 - 7:30: 78
8:00 - 12:00: 112
2:00 - 5:50: 117
total: 307
Work on:
(1) G 7500 south
(2) G 7550 south of, B
(1) Street G 7500 south
Clearing south of G 7660 and east of G 7550, Debris: rksh, dubsh, bones of Roman burials, potsherds. Found in debris: none.
(2) G 7550
Clearing south face of mastaba, and high bank of debris south of it, from railway No. X. Found in debris: small pot, fragment of copper, potsherds.
G 7550 B: No chamber. Debris sand, rksh, and birds (?) bones. Found in debris: fragment of alabaster offering table [28-5-186], alabaster [TRANSLITERATION] [pesesh-kef] [28-5-184], alabaster model pot, fragment of decorated faience vessel.
microfilm: end page 850
End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document