Result 32 of 90

Display page dates: 04/23/1927; 04/24/1927; 04/25/1927; 04/26/1927

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 764

Saturday, April 23, 1927 (continued)

(3) G 7530 (continued)
street G 7500
Tomb of [TRANSLITERATION] [Meresankh] daughter of [TRANSLITERATION] Hetepheres who is daughter of [TRANSLITERATION] [Khufu]. Names of kings [TRANSLITERATION] [Khufu], [TRANSLITERATION] [Djedefre], and [TRANSLITERATION] mentioned on walls.

Sunday, April 24, 1927
Men left for Quft
End of work

Work on:
(1) G 7530 a, b, c

(1) G 7530
Photographed debris in rooms a, b, and c, and the fallen head of statue in room c.

Monday, April 25, 1927

Work on:
(1) G 7530 a

(1) G 7530
Built guard's hut east of G 7530, and secured railway and trucks, etc.

Tuesday, April 26, 1927

Work on:
(1) G 7500
(2) G 7540

(1) Street G 7500
Clearing debris in front of door to G 7530 a. Found in debris: limestone head of statue, etc. and other fragments.

(2) G 7540
Found in debris on top of mastaba: faience, amulets, beads, ushabti fragments, fragments, etc, wooden hoe with cord attached.

microfilm: end page 764

End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document