Result 30 of 90

Display page dates: 04/21/1927; 04/22/1927
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 762
Thursday, April 21, 1927 (continued)
(3) G 7450 (continued)
(4) G 7540
Clearing top debris on top of mastaba, in search of possible pit or pits.
G 7540 W: Down 11.30 meters (already down 10.70 meters from previous digging). Built of stone blocks above, rock-cut below.
Friday, April 22, 1927
Eighty-second day of work
Cars emptied:
line XI 5:20 am - 8:00 am: 98, 8:30 - 12:00: 132, 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm: 110
Total 340
Work on:
(1) G 7500
(2) G 7143 B
(3) G 7159 B
(4) G 7540 W
(5) G 7440 Z [= G 7442]
(1) Street G 7500
Clearing upper debris in street, east of G 7520 and G 7530. Uncovered considerable height of casing stones on east of G 7530. Found in debris: faience fig. fragments, ushabti fragments.
(2) G 7143
G 7143 B: Removed wood of coffin and remainder of ruksh from chamber.
(3) G 7159
G 7159 B: Removed copper mirror [27-4-1217] from bottom of pit.
(4) G 7540
Clearing trenches on top of mastaba in quest of pit shafts.
G 7540 W: Down 14.0 meters.
(5) G 7440
G 7440 Z [= G 7442]: Continued taking up and recording beadwork from body.
microfilm: end page 762
End of Diary Transcription
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