Result 27 of 90

Display page dates: 04/18/1927
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 759
Monday, April 18, 1927 (continued)
(3) G 7420
Clearing debris behind casing blocks. Found one fragment casing stones on west side with red quarry mark.
(4) G 7430
Clearing debris behind casing stones. Found one stone on west side, with quarry marks. [ILLUSTRATION]
(5) G 7440
Clearing debris behind casing stones. Found one stone on west side, with quarry marks. [ILLUSTRATION]
(6) G 7450
G 7450 X: In chamber of pit II: clearing debris. Found in debris: faience inscribed ushabti fragments, amulets, green and red stone fragments, lapis lazuli amulets, two green stone scarab, black stone scarab, limestone scarab.
(7) G 7540
G 7540 a: Clearing debris from offering chapel of G 7540.
(8) G 7410
Quarry marks found previously on back of casing blocks of west side of mastaba.
microfilm: end page 759
End of Diary Transcription
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