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Display page dates: 04/18/1927
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 758
Monday, April 18, 1927 (continued)
(1) G 7000 X (continued)
At the point in the pit shaft where it takes a step to the east, more delay (3/4 hour) was experienced.
The sarcophagus met the rock at (A) before the lower end cleared the platform at (B), and the rock had to be broken away at (A) and wedges etc. used to put the sarcophagus in a position to lift further.
Wheeler and one man having come up on top of the sarcophagus from the chamber, and two others stationed on platform (B) attended to this.
The sarcophagus was landed at the surface and lowered onto wooden rollers ready to be moved away.
(2) Street G 7500
East of G 7530, clearing debris. Found in debris: faience elephant.
microfilm: end page 758
End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document