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Display page dates: 05/01/1935 through 05/09/1935

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 45

Wednesday, May 1, 1935 (continued)

(2) G 1208
G 1208 B: Removed the chambers blockings. Removed chamber I blocking. Dubsh. It is full of dubsh and limestone debris. Chamber not cleared.
Chamber II. Removed chamber II blocking. Dubsh and stones. Did not begin in chamber.

(3) G 1219
G 1219 C: Small shaft lined with mud brick on three sides east, west, south on north lined with stones. Total depth 1.1 meters. Sand, broken mud brick. Ended at rock. No chamber.

(4) G 2210
To expose the northeast corner of the mastaba. Sand, limestone debris and removed two stones.

Carpenter worked in the Camp.

Thursday, May 2, 1935

Work on
(1) G 1208 B
(2) G 2210

(1) G 1208
G 1208 B: In chamber and removed the debris from chamber II. Sand, dubsh, stones and limestone debris. On WN [west north ?] of the limestone coffin appears. Small alabaster dishes, alabaster kohl pot [alabaster model vessels: 35-5-9, 35-5-10, 35-5-11, 35-5-12], broken copper chisels [copper tools: 35-5-13, 35-5-14, 35-5-15, 35-5-16, 35-5-17, 35-18, 35-5-19] and potsherds [35-5-20]. The coffin is empty. The alabaster and the copper left for photo.

(2) G 2210
To expose the northeast corner. Sand and limestone debris. The corner not exposed.

The carpenter worked in the camp.

Friday, May 3, 1935

Work on
(1) G 1206 E
(2) G 2210

(1) G 1206
G 1206 E: Removed the coffin lid from the chamber. Broke the coffin lid and underneath sand. Skeleton [35-5-31] in the coffin left for photo.

(2) G 2210
To expose the northeast corner. Sand and limestone debris. Not reached the rock in the corner.

Hamid Kenawi, Yassen Ali [Yasin Ali] and Mostapha Abu El Hamd [Mustapha Abu-el-Hamd] arrived today from Syria with Mr. Lake. The Mudir ordered Hamid and Yassen [Yasin] to stay after the cocktail and Mustapha will stay along.
The carpenter worked in the Camp.

Saturday, May 4, 1935

Work on
(1) G 2210.

(1) G 2210
To expose the northeast corner of the mastaba. Sand and limestone debris. Not reached the rock in the corner.

The carpenter worked in the Camp.

Sunday, May 5, 1935

Work on
(1) G 2210.

(1) G 2210
To expose the northeast corner of the mastaba. Sand and limestone debris. Not reached the rock in the corner.

The carpenter still worked in the camp.

Today was the tea to exhibit pictures of Mr. Lindon Smith. They were two hundred thirteen (213) people.

Monday, May 6, 1935

Work on
(1) G 2210.

(1) G 2210
To expose the northeast corner. Sand and limestone debris. Reached the rock in the corner.

The carpenter finished today and has his wages.

Tuesday, May 7, 1935
Day of rest.

Wednesday, May 8, 1935

Work on
(1) G 2210.

(1) G 2210
To expose the southwest corner. Sand, dubsh and limestone debris. Reached the rock in corner.

Thursday, May 9, 1935

Work on
(1) G 2210.

(1) G 2210
To expose the corner and the end of the building of the mastaba. Sand, dubsh and limestone debris. Exposed the corners and the end of the building of the mastaba.

microfilm: end page 45

End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document